Tax return 2025

Tax return 2025

It’s almost that time again: starting March 1, you can file your tax return. Are you ready to file your taxes?

What you need to know about taxes as a first-time employee in the Netherlands!

Starting your first job in the Netherlands? Here’s what you need to know about Dutch taxes as an employee.

VAT and Income Tax for freelancers in The Netherlands

Are you a freelancer feeling overwhelmed by Dutch tax paperwork? Here is a practical guide that will help you navigate taxes as a freelancer.

Prinsjesdag 2024

Prinsjesdag 2024 results are here. How does it affect your next financial year? Keep on reading to find out important outcomes for your 2025 income and taxes.

What is Prinsjesdag / Budget Day?

What does Prinsjesdag mean for you as a tax payer? This article explains the effect this day has on your finances and what can you expect for upcoming changes.

Remote working and it’s tax benefits

Explore the tax implications of the growing trend of remote work since the pandemic. In addition to the obvious benefits of comfort, we take a look at potential tax advantages and discuss the consequences for both remote workers and their employers.

What is ‘income averaging’ and how does it work?

Has your annual income gone up and down quite a bit over the past three years? Oh, then surely you know the term income averaging. No? In that case, read on quickly, because income averaging could get you a tax refund!

Foreign client

How to deal with VAT for a foreign client?

When working with a foreign client the VAT rules could be completely different than you are used to. Each country has different VAT rates. In the Netherlands, VAT works differently when you work with foreign clients as well.

Do you qualify as an entrepreneur for income taxes?

Owning a business doesn’t automatically mean you are an entrepreneur for income tax purposes. Do the tax authorities see you as an entrepreneur or not? There are different criteria for this!

7 end of year tax tips for 2023

At the end of the year, the to-do lists are overflowing. Buying presents for St. Nicholas or Christmas, coming up with good New Year’s resolutions and, of course, the preparations for a new tax year. Take a moment to run through these end-of-year tips and before you know it, you can cross that task off your list!