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Did your income fluctuate in the past years? In that case, you might have paid more income tax than you would have done if your income was spread equally among those years. Under certain circumstances, this excess amount of tax can be received as a tax refund. You can do this by applying for an averaging request.
To be able to apply for averaging your income, you should fulfill certain requirements:
Sometimes it’s hard to determine for which period it is most profitable to apply for averaging your income. In this case, it is advised to make a calculation for different periods to see which period gives the best outcome. Here you can see how you make such a calculation. If the calculation gives you an amount bigger than €545 which you should get back, it is possible to do an averaging request. Fill in this form and send it to your tax office.
Averaging your income should be done within 36 months after all tax assessments from the applicable period are received. After applying for averaging your income you will receive the assessment with the outcome within 8 weeks.
Do you have any questions about the averaging request? Or do you need some help with applying for the averaging request? The TaxSavers is happy to help you. Fill in our contact form or give us a call on +31 (0)20 – 2170120.
Fill in our contact form and we will get in touch!
+31 (0)20-2170120
Amsterdamseweg 71A
1182GP Amstelveen
T. +31 20 – 2170120
Monday to Friday (9am – 6pm)
BTW-registration NL859458301B01 (VAT)
Kvk-registration: 73318752
(Chamber of Commerce)