Frequently Asked | M-form
We have several clients who moved to the Netherlands and we use this section to answer the most frequently asked questions.

What is the M-form?
The M-form is a big booklet that consists of 43 pages which is only available in Dutch. We at The TaxSavers understand that this is hard to file yourself and we are happy to help you. We are specialized in filing the M-form and we will walk you through the process.
If you moved to the Netherlands and paid taxes in your country of origin, you are required to file a migration tax return form (also called the M-form). The Dutch tax office (De Belastingdienst) needs information about you and by using the M-form you can provide that to them. Most expats will receive a tax refund because they didn’t live in the Netherlands for the whole year and therefore paid too much income tax.
You can find more information about the M-form here.
Can I file the M-form online?
No. Unfortunately, this is not possible. The M-form is only available in a paper version of 43 pages and needs to be filled out the old-fashioned way: by pen. However, at the TaxSavers we are able to file the M-form online.
What is my exact immigation date?
You can find your immigration date in the letter you received from the municipality, this is the same letter as the one with which you received your BSN-number for the first time. You can also find the exact immigration date on the website of the gemeente.
Why is this date so important?
The immigration date determines for which tax year you must complete a M-form. Besides that, it influences the outcome of the tax return.
Give us a call and we are happy to help!
Do you still have questions after reading the frequently asked questions of our customers? Don’t hesitate to ask them. Or do you want help with filing the annual tax return? Fill in our contact form or give us a call on +31 (0)20 – 2170120.
Amsterdamseweg 71A
1182GP Amstelveen
T. +31 20 – 2170120
Office hours
Monday to Thursday 09:00-18:00
Friday 08:30-17:00
BTW-registration NL859458301B01 (VAT)
Kvk-registration: 73318752
(Chamber of Commerce)