What is Prinsjesdag / Budget Day?
What does Prinsjesdag mean for you as a tax payer? This article explains the effect this day has on your finances and what can you expect for upcoming changes.
What does Prinsjesdag mean for you as a tax payer? This article explains the effect this day has on your finances and what can you expect for upcoming changes.
Dutch transfer tax goes up in 2023. The general rate will increase from 8% to 10.4% as of 2023. The reduced rate will remain at 2% and the starter exemption will be increased.
Holidays in our own country are becoming increasingly popular, so a holiday home in the Netherlands can be valuable. You pay tax on the holiday home: income tax, transfer tax, and property tax (OZB). Read this article for more.
Amsterdamseweg 71A
1182GP Amstelveen
E. info@taxsavers.nl
T. +31 20 – 2170120
Monday to Thursday 09:00-18:00
Friday 08:30-17:00
BTW-registration NL859458301B01 (VAT)
Kvk-registration: 73318752
(Chamber of Commerce)