How to optimally invest in your Dutch business?
Are you going to invest in your Dutch business? Plan this well to get the most of the tax benefits for entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. We are happy to help!
Are you going to invest in your Dutch business? Plan this well to get the most of the tax benefits for entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. We are happy to help!
File your 2021 income tax return in the Netherlands. Be aware of the 30% ruling and deductibles. We help both individuals & entrepreneurs with their Dutch tax returns.
Did you file an incorrect Dutch tax return in the past? You can rectify this with the voluntary disclosure scheme (inkeerregeling). We can help you with this.
NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are often seen as digital art, which is exempt from tax in the Netherlands. If this is the case for NFTs, has yet to be decided. Read more about its taxation here.
The yearly amount of ground lease (erfpacht) is tax deductible. If you decide to buy off the ground lease, only the interest on the loan you take out is deductible.
Read the most important tax changes of 2022 here. Think of changing tax rates, decrease of the self-employed deduction, study costs no longer deductible, etc.
When your company is worth more than its book value (e.g., through goodwill or reserves), you have to deal with discontinuation profit and pay income tax on this.
During your emigration out of or immigration to the Netherlands, a lot needs to be arranged. Think of determining your tax liability, income tax return & allowances. Read everything here.
Now that 2022 is in sight, it’s time for the end-of-year tax tips of 2021. In this list of fiscal tips, we help you save on both box 1 and box 3 tax. Read more in this article!
Starting your business in the Netherlands? Make sure to meet the conditions to stay here, choose the right legal form, and register with the KVK. We made a checklist to help you!
Amsterdamseweg 71A
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Monday to Thursday 09:00-18:00
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